Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Climate change pushes green issues up MICE agenda

I found this interesting feedback on a poll conducted by IMEX (IMEX Frankfurt) with regards to the impact on climate changes for the MICE industry.

Survey participants were asked to rank in order those green practices that they have applied to their events, and replied as follows:

1st Recycled conference material
2nd Selected an hotel known for its environmental programme
3rd Viewed wilderness or animal conservation areas
4th Encouraged delegates to travel by public transport at the host destination
5th Involved an inspirational speaker on the environment
6th Undertaken fund-raising or other support for green causes
7th Chosen an airline/cruise company/car rental firm for its green credentials
8th Paid for carbon emission offsets to neutralise the greenhouse gaseffect of delegate travel

What have you done or planning to do? Write a comment please.

Christian W. Frei

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